What breeders say about us

Luigi Iameo
Alife (CE) - Italy
"In addition to using the seeds of the spring forage range, I have tested both the medical proposals always from the Good Factor line.Excellent agronomic characteristics enhance the" Riviera Queen "and the" Pomposa ", among which the excellent reclaiming ability, 'extreme leafiness, and the ability to adapt to environmental and territorial difficulties.Excellent green mass production, the plants can withstand the stresses that would lead to a defoliation of the basal part resulting in loss of important protein points.I have tried both the "Riviera Queen" satisfied me above all for qualitative productions, a lot of leaf on a very low plant.The final result is an exceptional medical that is far superior to the medical ones used in the past. "

"Through the food flushing and the insertion of TECNO ADE PLUS I improved the reproductive performance of my buffaloes during the seasonally adjusted phase.On 100 buffalo inseminated, 74 were pregnant" "

"Before getting to know Tecnozoo, the quality of my meat was not particularly distinguished, as it was genetically very important breeder. Now, constantly using FB MIX O.E., I can say that the quality has definitely increased in terms of color and flavor, as well as increasing the yield "

Luca Parati Farmer – Az. Ag. Imm. Fondi Agricoli
Milano (MI) - Italy
"Agecon 4 is a valid help to stabilize the ration, for the reason that I’m using a lot of ensiled material. With its use I get few fermentations and I can notice the benefits on animals. Since I’ve been using it, I could notice that ingestion have raised. Moreover, I could notice from the faeces, that the ingested product is better assimilated; we all know that if an animal eats more, it will produce more. We have finally achieved a reduction of medical spending of 20-25%, thanks to the use of Agecon 4. Moreover, we have improved their foot problems and the number of somatic cells."

Roberto Della Noce - Supervisor Az. Agr. Gestione Bianchini
Cavenago d’Adda (Lo) - Italy
“With Tecnozoo’s consultation, we have improved both milk quantity and quality significantly. Moreover HEPATOS, which is a ruminal and metabolic stimulator with a prebiotic and detoxifying action, has helped me to increase the percentage of casein inside milk.”

Soc. Agr. Berta F.lli
Calcio (BG) - Italy
“Before using Tecnozoo products, I used to observe a higher number of somatic cells. Since I adopt LT PLUS twice a week on bunks and on permanent bedding, somatic cells have decreased over time, the bunk and the bedding have become way drier and, during summertime, mosquito numbers has considerably decreased.”